Thursday, July 29, 2010

In the Spotlight-Deidre from We Craft Daily

So I happened upon Deidre when I was following Season Three of So You Think You're Crafty. Upon taking a look at her blog 'We Craft Daily', I realized she was local! I approached her about utilizing some of our fabric for her final project and lucky for me she agreed! Well after all was said and done Deidre was the WINNER of Season Three of SYTYC.

Take a peak into her crafty life with our little interview. I've also included some pics of her projects-I am in love with the carseat cover-especially since we have our 2nd little one due in Dec.

How did you decide to enter SYTYC?
I didn't think I was capable of doing it, but just thought I would enter and see what would happen. It was really a personal challenge. A way of pushing myself beyond my limits.

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a mother of four children under the age of 6. That in and of itself is a busy life, but a wonderful one at that. My husband and I are both photographers for our business, Realife Photography. That, too, is insanely busy. But it is also an outlet and something fun for us to do together. I'm a busy person... often putting too much on my plate at one time. :) I just can't say no... mostly, I don't WANT to say no to so many things. I love to do a variety of activities and hobbies... what can I say?

how long have you been crafting
I can't even give a start time. It's always been a part of my life in so many ways.

how did you learn to craft
I grew up crafting with my grandmother and painting/drawing with my other. I took senior photos for friends while I was still in high school. Learned to crochet in college and majored (for a year) in art education. I taught myself to knit and sew (with the help of my grandmother) after I had children. It's a quiet, peaceful thing to craft and create at night when the little ones are all tucked in to bed.

what's your favorite crafting activity/medium
That's tough... probably sewing. i love the joy of making clothes for my children and saving money.

do you sell your craft anywhere
Not currently. But I am working on selling custom car seat covers on Etsy. Stay tuned for that in the next week or two...

do you have a crafting blog/why did you start it
I do have a crafting blog called A craft a day. My goal was to do a craft a day. But honestly, with all the things that have happened in life lately, it just hasn't been possible. SYTYC really hindered me having the time to do so too. Hopefully I will get more time soon. But you can check it out at

when do you find time to craft
Lately, not often. But when I do, it's late in the night after my little ones are in bed until about 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning. You do what you have to :)

would you do sytyc again
I would consider it. It was VERY draining and yet, so self enlightening. I didn't think I could do what I did! I didn't think I was creative enough or even good enough at my craft

do you wish you could quit your day job and make crafting a business
or prefer to keep it a hobby
Not really as photography is art and art is really my love. I'm already doing that. I wouldn't change that for the world! I have done a lot of boring jobs in the past and none of them compare to what I do now. I love it! I prefer to keep sewing as a hobby that makes a little money here and there. It's my outlet from my business.

do your children craft/do you think it is/should be an important part
of their childhood
Not enough. They want to, but I find myself running all over the place so often that it's hard to do so. I do think it is VERY important and want so desperately to do more of it with them. I'm crossing my fingers that I will more this summer yet.

what is your favorite thing you've ever made
That's tough! I think my favorite crafts have been the gifts I have made for my children, a cape for my two year old, the magician costume (made for SYTYC) as a gift for my son (he hasn't gotten yet, his b-day is Saturday!), and the dress up box (featured on my blog) for my daughters birthday. But, my favorite useful craft has been the outdoor play mat (also made for SYTYC). THe play mat has been so great for my 9 month old. It's definitely my husbands favorite too :)

what are your fav craft blogs/websites
I have so many favorites, and you may even share some of mine. I love Dana from Made, Disney from ruffles and stuff, Amy from angrychicken, Char from crap I've made (love the title too:), and Grace from design sponge.

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